Are you the strong one?

I totally understand. 

You're the strong one. You're the mom, the boss, the CEO, the amazing employee, and even a stay-at-home mom. You're used to making things happen for others, but deep inside you've been feeling like you need a moment or MoMent to take care of you too. 

Sometimes you wonder if what you are doing is enough and even more you may question, "Are you enough?"

I think I can equate it to Mary and Martha. Martha was great at what she did, but there were days when she wondered, "What about me?" I'm sure she sometimes may have struggled between her responsibilities and the role of being accepted as a Daughter. 

When these feelings arise we oftentimes just keep going without taking time to get to the root of the problem. But those feelings don't just go away. You have to expose those lies and then crush them. 

You can't just "face" them you have to "faith" them with intentional faith and mindset strategies.

I told one of my clients, "You deserve to be seen, valued, and heard." 

You do too. 

Not because of what you do. But because of who you are. 

You are enough. 


My course is designed to help you 

  • break free from limiting beliefs
  • identify, expose, and overcome the enemy's lies
  • Confidently celebrate and own your identity as a daughter
  •  Self-sabotaging beliefs and behavior
  • Help you recognize the gold within 
  • Break free from unrealistic expectations from yourself and others.

It's time to live an empowered life of self-appreciation, gratitude, celebration, and forward movement as you break free from feelings of inadequacy and shame by exposing "Junk mail" (negative thoughts and unrealistic demands placed on you by others, including yourself). 

When you are thriving in a confident identity of self-love, renewed faith, and determination. 

You breathe first. You'll be glad you did and so will those in your family and career. 

A woman who is strong in her God-given can accomplish amazing things with an "I can and I will" attitude. 

This course will help you step into it!


From self-defeatism, mom-guilt and shame to confident, poised and purpose-filled.

You're standing in a room full of people holding your head up high. You're confident, poised, and no longer second-guessing. You start to smile as you think back to when you accepted the enemy's lies about you, but not now. 

You've released mom guilt, broken free from isolation and you are celebrating life not because it's perfect, but because you see yourself as royalty and the beloved of the Father. 

As you start to speak you recognize you've changed. You are more mindful of how you speak about yourself and others. 

No more self-depreciation and slander. You are confident, poised, and driven with purpose. 

Financial insufficiency is no longer looming over your head because she believes you can achieve your goals. You are walking with spiritual authority and celebrating the gold within.

This course will outline practical strategies to walk you from failure and shame to optimistic, purposeful, and powerful. 

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

Amazing the title is so beautiful and resonates with me o...

Kadine Cooper

This curriculum is something that every women in our out of transition can relate to. There are so many relevant teachings to absorb.

This curriculum is something that every women in our out of transition can relate to. There are so many relevant teachings to absorb.

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5 star rating

Butterfly wings

Janice Greene

Amazing course. Absolutely enjoyed taking the course and being a part of the coaching group as well.

Amazing course. Absolutely enjoyed taking the course and being a part of the coaching group as well.

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5 star rating

Amazing the title is so beautiful and resonates with me o...

Kadine Cooper

This curriculum is something that every women in our out of transition can relate to. There are so many relevant teachings to absorb.

This curriculum is something that every women in our out of transition can relate to. There are so many relevant teachings to absorb.

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5 star rating

Something Special

Tiffany Settles

This curriculum has been such a special treat and blessing. I always look forward to Faith and even this online format feels like a deep discussion with a f...

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This curriculum has been such a special treat and blessing. I always look forward to Faith and even this online format feels like a deep discussion with a friend. Thank you so much. I needed this.

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5 star rating

Butterfly wings

Janice Greene

Amazing course. Absolutely enjoyed taking the course and being a part of the coaching group as well.

Amazing course. Absolutely enjoyed taking the course and being a part of the coaching group as well.

Read Less

Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 How to Embrace Being Imperfectly Perfected

    2. 1:1 Reflect and Journal (Imperfectly Perfected - I am not a mistake)

    3. 1.2 How to Rid Yourself of Unrealistic Expectation and Self-Sabotaging Negative Titles

    4. 1:2 Reflect and Journal

    5. 1:3 Keep Moving Forward, No Matter What: How to Be Resilient in Tough Times

    6. 1:3 Reflect and Journal

    7. 1:4 Isolation Vs. Consecration

    8. 1:4 Reflect and Journal

    9. 1:5 Overcoming the Struggle Within

    10. 1:5 Reflect and Journal

    11. 1:6 Pressing Through the Process

    12. 1:6 Reflect and Journal

    13. 1:7 You Matter!

    14. 1:7 Reflect and Journal

    1. 2:1 Focus

    2. 2:1 Reflect and Journal

    3. 2:2 One Word From the Father Changes Everything!

    4. 2:2 Reflect and Journal

    5. 2:3 Obey, Stretch and Live!

    6. 2:3 Reflect and Journal

    7. 2:4 After! Recognizing the positive changes that happen after the struggle.

    8. 2:4 Reflect and Journal

    9. 2:5 Celebrate Your Now on the Way to Your Next!

    10. 2:5 Reflect and Journal

    1. You did it!

    2. How was it for you?

    1. Be Empowered Workbook

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 28 lessons

This course is filled with practical strategies delivered through audio and text.

In Module 1 you're going to learn:

  • How to break free from perfectionism, unrealistic expectations and self-sabotaging belief and behavior.

  • How to embrace resilience while breaking free from isolation.

  • How to incorporate and "I Can" and "I Will" attitude in your every day life, while choosing to overcome every obstacle that tries to stand in your way.

  • How to break free from self-sabotage while getting rid of the "junk mail" that has occupied space in your mindset for far too long.

  • How to increase in faith by incorporating faith-fueled strategies.

In Module 2 you will learn . . .

  • How to recognize and celebrate the "gift of you" while learning the importance of practicing self-love.

  • How to focus on breaking free from the lies of the enemy, while embracing the truth of God's Word for your life.

  • How to "Celebrate your now on the way to your next" and how small steps lead to big wins. Every part of the journey matters.

Bonus material

  • My Bestselling Book "Don't Give Up, Acknowledging the Struggle, Celebrating Resilience." (Ebook)

    This course is created from chapter 4 of my bestselling book entitled, "Don't Give Up, Acknowledging the Struggle, Celebrating Resilience." Chapter 4, "Butterfly Wings" is a favorite of many the message is both inspirational and transformative. The entire book is a testament of grace, resilience and

  • Your Empowered Identity Workbook

    This workbook will give you practical tips and strategies to assist with identifying areas for personal development and growth.

  • Lifetime Access

    Take the course one or many times. It's up to you. You've got lifetime access. Enjoy!

Ready to get started?

This the same course I use in my faith-based coaching group and women love it!

"Don't let him win!" I heard her loud and clear.

Every woman needs to know she is seen, valued and heard.

I don't know if you ever experienced a time in life when things were going well and then, "Bam" just like that, it felt like someone pulled the rug from underneath you.

I've been there and truthfully when the truth came out I was shocked, confused, and ashamed. I experienced something called, "Marriage fraud." 

Never heard of it? 

Neither had I.

But I can tell you, it tried to break me and cause me to give up. But I'm so glad, God wouldn't let me go. 

"How could this have happened to me?" I thought.

How could it have not? 

Life happens to all of us. When it does we have to find the strength to see where we missed it, "face" the pain, and "faith" through the journey of healing and restoration with intentionality, honesty, and practical strategy.

One day after sharing my story at an event I realized other women were struggling with limiting belief, defeatism, and the lies of the enemy. 

I realized we couldn't let "him" win. 

The "him" I'm speaking of was not solely a literal person, but an enemy who was behind the scenes pulling the strings in an attempt to keep me and other children of God from living a life of freedom and victory. 

I remember praying to God and wondering how I could help others who were struggling with shame, isolation, stuckness, self-depreciation, and self-doubt.  

This course was the answer. 

I can remember raising my hands in praise with tears streaming down my face, as I wrote the content while praying for every woman who would choose to break free from self-sabotage and limiting beliefs. 

Someone is waiting for you to show up despite the pain. You have more to offer this world than you know. 

You deserve to be seen valued and heard.

Confidently occupy the space. It's your time to walk with genuine boldness while tearing down every lie that tried to keep you confined. No more hiding. No more shame. No more lies.

You Have the Power to Break Free From Every Lie Ever Told Against Your Identity!